A Dungeons & Dragons Adventure with the Hellfire Club: Battling Vecna

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Join the Stranger Things crew, as they dive into an exciting Dungeons & Dragons quest, during Netflixs Geeked Week. With the Hellfire Club squad, consisting of Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo, Priah Ferguson and Joe Quinn the tension rises as they confront Vecnas dark powers in their town of Hawks End.

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Adventure

Nestled in a charming town the champions of the Hellfire Club stand poised on the edge of an journey. Following years, of thrilling escapades they find themselves back in Hawks End a place brimming with nostalgia, joy and the enticing scent of freshly baked bread wafting through the atmosphere. While the familiar landmarks of home call out to them an unsettling presence casts a shadow over their triumphant homecoming. The town has changed; an atmosphere of unease lingers suggesting that their previous adventures have left an impact.

Meet the Heroes

As the heroes journey back we catch a glimpse into their diverse personalities and histories. Every character contributes something unique from their skills to their eccentric quirks. One standout is Pardon Me Belching a dwarven grave cleric known for his dark sense of humor and deep affection for family. Despite being referred to as the “smelly dude” his heart is as vast as his thirst, for exploration.

Pardon Me Belching, the dwarven grave cleric

Next up is Joe Keery portraying a Tabaxi gloom stalker ranger. He has an cheerful demeanor and a talent, for humor. With his fur shining in a way that mirrors his blend of playfulness and intrigue he stands out. Joes character adds a touch of levity to the team, even when they encounter challenges.

Joe Keery, the Tabaxi gloom stalker ranger

Next up is Lady Applejack a sneaky dark elf assassin rogue. With her ability to blend into the shadows and her sharp wit shes a formidable force within the group. Lady Applejacks mysterious persona brings complexity to the story keeping her teammates on their toes, about her actions.

Finally we have Chad Handstand a valiant knight known for his modest charm. While he may not possess the charisma of his comrades Chads unwavering determination and strength stand out. He represents the hero mold always prepared to defend his allies and confront any obstacles that come his way.

Chad Handstand, the human paladin

Entering Hawk’s End

As the team nears Hawk’s End the charming village comes into sight. Enclosed by greenery and nestled along a meandering river it seems like a paradise. Yet the champions detect a feeling. The joyful sounds of kids playing and the aroma of baked goods are eclipsed, by an air of unease. Their journey back evokes feelings as they reflect on the triumphs and setbacks that have molded them.

View of Hawk's End, the picturesque town

As they step inside they are welcomed by landscapes. However an air of weightiness hangs over the scene. The ranger station stands out in the distance, an essential checkpoint for anyone wanting to explore the town. Its presence serves as a reminder that even in their cherished hometown, there are rules and regulations to adhere to. Their anticipation of being back is shadowed, by a feeling of unease.

Encountering Gloom

At the ranger’s outpost the champions come across Gloom an unsavory bugbear with a past. His disheveled look matches his demeanor and his snarky comments underscore the friction between him and the heroes. Glooms presence serves as a foreshadowing of the obstacles, on their path as he probes into their reasons for coming back.

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Gloom, the unpleasant bugbear

The playful exchanges, between the heroes and Gloom showcase their bond despite challenging circumstances. Glooms tough exterior hides knowledge, about the situation in Hawks End. The heroes need to tread in this relationship managing their dislike for him while also recognizing the opportunity to obtain valuable information.

Checking In at the Ranger Station

Upon their arrival at the station the heroes come to the realization that they need to follow the towns rules. This moment acts as a grounding reminder showing them that even in their realm guidelines are crucial for upholding order. The ranger station represents the balance, between excitement and duty. The heroes must be ready to confront any obstacles that lie ahead both within and beyond the borders of their cherished Hawk’s End.

The ranger station at Hawk's End

Astara’s Warning

Before the heroes can resume their routines a figure named Astara comes into their lives. With her gift for foresight and strong bond to the worlds magic Astara cautions them about looming peril. Her messages are both puzzling and pressing suggesting that sinister powers are awakening in the depths of Hawks End.

Astara’s cautionary message acts, as a spark for the champions reigniting their determination. The risks have reached a peak and the ties of camaraderie and allegiance will be put to the test as they gear up to confront the looming darkness that threatens their homeland. They are not simply coming back, as heroes; they are embracing the roles of guardians prepared to tackle the obstacles that lie, ahead.

As the heroes take in Astara’s chilling warning they come to understand that their quest is just beginning. Each character faces their doubts and weaknesses while discovering the power of leaning on each others strengths. The upcoming journey holds challenges ahead. Also presents a chance for personal development and exploration.

The Town’s Disturbances

As the champions get comfortable in the inn the ambiance is alive with laughter and the bond of friendship. Yet Stellas urgent news about the grave robbery interrupts their blissful moment. The champions come to understand that the tranquility of Hawks End has been disrupted and its their responsibility to bring back peace. They need to move swiftly to uncover the reasons, for these unsettling events.

Gathering Information

Prior to their visit to the graveyard the team opts to collect information from the residents. They divide into groups, pursuing leads that could illuminate the happenings. The distinct abilities of each character are utilized while engaging with the community members, unraveling the enigma.

  • Pardon Me Belching: With his grave cleric background, he approaches the local priest to discuss any unusual happenings at the cemetery.
  • Joe Keery: Using his charm, he engages with the tavern patrons, hoping to hear any whispers of the undead.
  • Lady Applejack: She stealthily observes the townsfolk, looking for anyone acting suspiciously.
  • Chad Handstand: Despite his past faux pas, he tries to rally the townspeople to take action.

While gathering information they uncover that the disturbances started, with the arrival of a traveler. Rumors about rituals and glimpses of figures at night intensify their determination to delve deeper into the matter.

Gathering information from townsfolk

Finding Stella

Once theyve gathered information the team comes back together at the tavern to come up with a strategy. They understand that ensuring Stellas safety is crucial, given the impending danger posed by the undead. As they exchange their discoveries their friendship deepens and they unanimously pledge to safeguard their companion, no matter what.

With resolve they make their way, to the kitchen drawn by the sounds. Their hearts pound as they open the door ready to face whatever awaits. What they see is chilling—Stella appears ensnared amid figures.

Horrifying sight in the kitchen

Dinner at the Tavern

As the champions gear up to face the undead they hold onto the cozy memory of the tavern. It’s always been a place filled with joy and warmth. The enticing aromas drifting from the kitchen remind them of the life they’re battling to safeguard. They understand that time is of the essence and the risks are significant.

A Moment of Reflection

Prior to the upcoming clash the champions pause to contemplate their path. They exchange tales from escapades rekindling their determination. Every individual opens up about their anxieties and aspirations deepening their bond.

Heroes sharing stories

Investigating the Kitchen

Empowered by their newfound resolve the champions advance into the culinary space. An air of fear hangs heavy as they confront the beings. Burping, utilizing his skills, perceives an aura of sorcery looming.

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He cautions, These zombies are not your run of the mill variety. There’s a strength driving this.

During the fight the team has to join forces to ward off the creatures. Each member displays their skills whether it’s Joes quick archery or Lady Applejacks sneaky attacks. The kitchen turns into a scene as they battle to protect Stella.

Battle in the kitchen against undead

The First Encounter with Undead

As the fight progresses the champions come to understand that the undead are not mindless beings; they are fueled by a sinister force. The team devises a plan utilizing their environment to gain an edge. They resist the onslaught with resolve, vowing to safeguard their companion and unveil the mystery surrounding the unsettling events.

Combat Tactics

  • Joe Keery: Utilizing his dragon wing longbow, he takes down several undead with precise shots, flames erupting with each release.
  • Lady Applejack: With her rapier of wounding, she dispatches foes with deadly efficiency, ensuring that their wounds will not heal.
  • Pardon Me Belching: He channels divine energy, using his clerical powers to turn the undead, causing them to recoil in fear.
  • Chad Handstand: Despite his earlier mishaps, he stands strong, defending his friends and using his strength to shield them from harm.
Heroes battling undead in the kitchen

Aftermath of the Fight

As the final zombie succumbs to defeat a hush settles, over the kitchen. The champions take a moment to regain their composure with the rush of excitement still pulsing in their bodies. They ensure Stellas well being finding her rattled yet unscathed and appreciating their prompt response.

I believed I was doomed, she admits, shaking. Im grateful to you for rescuing me.

The team pauses to come together and evaluate the circumstances. They understand that this meeting is merely the starting point. There are more secrets to uncover and the danger looming over Hawks End is far from resolved.

Searching for Clues

Now that the threat is gone the heroes shift their focus to the kitchen. They look for hints that could uncover who is responsible, for the undead. Amidst the mess they come across an amulet radiating with energy.

Finding a dark amulet in the kitchen

Pardon Me Belching suggests that this item likely belongs to the wanderer. It serves as a source of sorcery.

The team understands that swift action is needed to tackle this emerging danger. They unite their resolve and get ready to explore the enigma shrouding Hawks End.

Rallying the Town

Recognizing that they can’t tackle this obstacle the heroes opt to rally the townspeople. They head back to the tavern where Stella assists them in mobilizing the community. The tavern turns into a setup room as they brainstorm tactics and gather supplies.

Lady Applejack proclaims, “It’s time to combine our power. By joining forces we can banish this darkness.”

The residents of the town motivated by the courage of the heroes decide to lend a hand. They gather weapons, like pitchforks, torches and a selection of magical items kept in storage for situations.

Rallying the townsfolk in the tavern

The Undead Horde Approaches

As the villagers come together and a strategy is put in place the champions prepare, for the looming attack. In Hawk’s End the echoes of fear resonate as the undead emerge from the darkness serving as a reminder of the evil that lies hidden. The heroes understand the importance of holding their ground, as the destiny of their town depends on them.

Undead horde approaching Hawk's End

Facing the Undead

As the initial zombie waves break through the towns defenses the heroes spring into action. The atmosphere is charged, with anticipation as they gear up to confront the onslaught. Every member of the Hellfire Club is aware of their responsibilities and has faith, in one anothers skills.

  • Pardon Me Belching: Ready to channel his divine energy, he stands at the front lines.
  • Joe Keery: Positioned strategically to rain arrows down upon the advancing undead.
  • Lady Applejack: Using her stealth, she plans to flank the enemies and strike from the shadows.
  • Chad Handstand: The steadfast paladin, prepared to shield his friends from harm.
Heroes ready to face the undead

Combat Strategies

The fight kicks off with metal clashing and the screams of the undead. The champions make use of their abilities working together to inflict damage and shield the villagers. Every blow is thought out and every spell is cast, with accuracy.

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Heroic Actions

  • Pardon Me Belching: Casts Turn Undead, causing a wave of radiant energy to push back weaker zombies.
  • Joe Keery: Fires arrows that ignite upon impact, creating fiery explosions among the undead.
  • Lady Applejack: Strikes with deadly precision, eliminating threats before they can reach her allies.
  • Chad Handstand: Uses his shield to block incoming attacks, protecting the more vulnerable members of the group.
The battle against the undead begins

Victory and the Mysterious Book

Following an intense struggle the champions succeed in driving away the wave of undead. Gasping for breath they survey the destruction that has been left. The townspeople slowly come out of their hiding spots, their faces reflecting a sense of relief upon realizing that the danger has subsided.

However hidden within the debris of the conflict is a presence—a sinister tome radiating with an aura. The Book of Vile Darkness has come to light and its arrival sends shivers through the hearts of the champions.

The Book of Vile Darkness discovered

The Decision to Investigate

As the champions come together, by the tome they share looks filled with concern. This ancient object might unveil the secrets behind the sinister powers lurking in Hawks End. Yet it also has the potential to be a snare, enticing them into peril.

Joe’s curiosity gets the better of him and he exclaims, “We can’t just leave it behind. It might be the key to understanding the undead.”

“Yet it might also hold a curse,” Lady Applejack replies, sensing the looming threat with her instincts.

Weighing the Risks

  • Pardon Me Belching: Suggests a cautious approach, advocating for a thorough investigation before making any decisions.
  • Chad Handstand: Proposes securing the book and taking it to Astara for further examination.
  • Joe Keery: Argues for opening the book, believing it could provide vital information about Vecna.
Debating the next steps with the book

Confronting Vecna

While they ponder the decision a tremor shakes the earth and a foreboding voice resonates in the atmosphere. Vecnas shadowy figure reemerges serving as a reminder that the conflict is ongoing. The champions now stand against the dark overlord equipped with their cleverness and the strength of their camaraderie.

“Do you really believe you can overpower me?” Vecna roars, his tone laced with wickedness. “You’ve only postponed the outcome.”

Vecna confronting the heroes

Final Battle with Vecna

With a sense of resolve the champions gear up, for the showdown. They understand that this fight will push their boundaries and determination to the limit. The stakes have never been higher and they must unite to conquer the shadow that looms over Hawks End.

Coordinated Attacks

The champions devise a strategy merging their skills to establish a strong defense against Vecna. Each individual brings forth talents crafting a scheme that leverages their advantages.

  • Pardon Me Belching: Will use his clerical powers to bolster his allies and weaken Vecna.
  • Joe Keery: Aims to target Vecna with precise shots, hoping to exploit any weaknesses.
  • Lady Applejack: Plans to flank Vecna, striking from the shadows to catch him off guard.
  • Chad Handstand: Prepared to absorb hits and protect his friends as they execute their plan.
The heroes strategizing against Vecna

The Battle Unfolds

In the midst of the chaos that unfolds spells are unleashed, arrows soar through the air and swords clash with Vecnas sinister sorcery. The champions engage in a battle but Vecna strikes back with an impact showcasing the might he possesses.

“Before me, you shall all crumble!” He bellows, releasing surges of energy that loom over the champions.

The battle against Vecna intensifies

Victory and the Aftermath

After a battle the heroes manage to come out on top. They unite their bond and resolve standing strong against the odds. With a final effort they defeat Vecna, sending him back to the darkness.

With the dust settling the heroes emerge triumphant yet aware that their quest is far from complete. The Book of Vile Darkness rests in sight serving as a reminder of the enduring presence of evil.

The heroes victorious over Vecna

The Mysterious Book

Joe looks at the book with suspicion and asks, “How should we handle this?”

The heroes share looks realizing they need to make a choice about what to do with it. They have the option to destroy it, but what if it contains the knowledge to unravel the dark magic that haunts their village?

Deciding the Fate of the Book

  • Pardon Me Belching: Suggests consulting Astara for guidance.
  • Lady Applejack: Advocates for studying the book, believing it could offer valuable insights.
  • Chad Handstand: Proposes locking it away to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
Deciding the fate of the Book of Vile Darkness


What is Vecna?

Vecna, a formidable lich, serves as the primary villain in various Dungeons & Dragons adventures. Renowned for his command over sorcery and relentless pursuit of dominance he is a character with a rich lore.

What happens to the Book of Vile Darkness?

The destiny of the Book of Vile Darkness remains uncertain paving the way, for discoveries in upcoming quests. It has the potential to be utilized as a storytelling element introducing obstacles and dangers.

Can the heroes face Vecna again?

Although they have triumphed over Vecna the present, his dark sorcery’s essence suggests a potential comeback sparking battles ahead.

Final thoughts on the adventure